Friday, August 29, 2014


In contract speak, I would say: seventeen thousand three hundred and ten U.S. dollars! But for real ya'll...


That is the total amount Lance and I have raised this year for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We are honestly FLOORED by all the support from you guys!

My total raised as an Honoree for the Taste of Finest event last Friday was $10,230.00. If you add that to the $7,030.00 we raised for Great Strides in May, it equals over $17,000 to the Arkansas Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for 2014. WOW!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Whether you donated $20 or $500, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the support. This past year has been tough with receiving his CF diagnosis and redefining what our life as a family looks like. We had to let certain expectations go, and that can be hard. We, without a doubt, feel so uplifted and so loved and I want everyone to know that the loving and caring and generosity that each of you has shown us has been the reason we can face this disease head on.

Truly, one of the best moments of my life was this past May at the Great Strides walk. After a winter of being isolated indoors and keeping Crosby unexposed to coughs and colds, not seeing family or friends, so many of you showed up for the walk to not only support us, but meet our little dude for the first time. Before the walk, when we all gathered for a group photo, I stepped out in front to see the group as a whole and to show Crosby all his "fans." I literally had to choke back the tears when I turned around to look at that group. I saw a group of people who care about my son, care about his life and showed up to say, "we're with you." I was so touched.

Thank you for being with us. Thank you for $17,310.00.

So many friends, family and colleagues also came on Friday night. I didn't get to talk to everyone as much as I would have liked, but I really appreciate you all coming. I hope the event was fun and that everyone got enough to eat and drink. Taste of the Finest raised over $100,000.00!!!! Thank you for being a part of that.

I do need to thank the folks who sponsored me:

Central Arkansas Water - Carmen Smith Table Sponsor
Glover Truck and Trailer Sales - Carmen Smith Honoree Sponsor
DataPath, Inc.
Chris and Stephanie Cathey
Team Bass
Jeff and Sherrie Smith
Sysco Foods
Nestle Waters
Jim Fore
John and Carol Spenst

I was not the top fundraiser for Taste of the Finest, but I came in a close second. Being first wasn't the point and I was honestly surprised by the amount we raised. I didn't get photos of everyone, but I tried!

Uncle Scott, John, Nat, Jeff, Carey and Aunt T

Sammy, Angelica, and Rick

Kathleen, Valerie, Kelly, and Robert

Erick, Amanda, Heidi and Jacob

Trey, Aclin, Bass and Lance

Kate, Carmen, Natalie and Angelica

Stephen and Liz

Misty and Keith

John and Nat

Nanny and Uncle Randy

While this was our last CF fundraiser for this year, we will back soon asking for more support for next year. My hope is that the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the lives it touches has found a way into your hearts and that  each of you continue to support Crosby by supporting the Foundation in the coming years. Keep coming back and keep helping us fight for a cure. 

This guy needs you:

We'll kick start next year's Great Strides campaign around Christmas. If you have not had a chance to donate this year and would still like to, you can do so here:



Wednesday, August 20, 2014

One Last Please

We are in the final days to donate towards Taste of the Finest benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!

I know I've asked for a lot of donations towards CF over the past 9 months. I TRULY appreciate all of the support from The Crosby Show fans, friends and family. So many of you have been so incredibly generous it has warmed by heart and I am so very grateful. This will be my final plea for this year and is your final chance to help!

If you are a reader here and have not had a chance to donate, please PLEASE PLEASE consider making a contribution today or tomorrow. There is no such thing as too small of an amount, because every dollar adds up. 

If you are related to Lance or I, please remember that CF is a genetic disease and it is possible that you too carry a CFTR mutation and could pass it on. Donations to the CF Foundation will not only help Crosby, but will support future generations that might inherit this disease.

When I think about why I have worked so hard to raise money and awareness for CF, one main reason comes to mind: Crosby. I can pray and hope for a cure for this awful disease he has, but if I am not willing to work hard towards finding a cure, who else will? I cannot just sit around hoping that someone else will raise the money to help my son. I have to be on the front lines fighting for him, so here I am, asking (ahem, begging) for your support. 

Fundraising has not come easy for me, mostly because I hate asking people for money. But every time I write a blog post, send a text or email, or ask someone in person for a donation, I have to remember that it's up to me to fight for the cure that we want so badly.

I have grand plans for Crosby to live well past the 35 year life expectancy that has been stamped on him, and you better believe that I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen. Will you help me? Will you help Crosby? Please consider making a donation to help us reach a cure. Help us add tomorrows for not only Crosby but for the 30,000 Americans suffering from this disease. Already, there have been leaps and bounds made in the life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients, but it would be even better if Crosby's life expectancy was no different than your children's.

Don't worry about your donation being too small! There is no such thing! Every little bit of money makes a huge difference, because it all adds up. If you would like to make a contribution, just click on the link below, and on the webpage, under "YOUR DONATION" enter the amount you would like to contribute and continue filling out the form. 

Thank you all for your continued love and support. Lance and I appreciate it more than you could possibly know. And so does Crosby.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Crosby @ 11 Months

Dear Crozzie Bear:

You are 11 Months old today!!! Every month I feel like I just typed the previous month's post and you have only one more month until you are ONE!

When you are happy, you are so happy that you wiggle with joy and do the funniest arm movements to express your delight! It's definitely one of our most favorite quirks of yours.

You no longer want to crawl but want us to finger walk you everywhere. You are into everything and so curious. I feel like this month I can see you begin to change from my baby to a toddler. I know you will be walking in no time. You also have an opinion about everything and do not like to be told no.

You love to watch your sister dogs and you love to get into the dog bowls. I think swinging is probably your most favorite thing to do.

You love to be held, and I have learned to do a lot of things with one arm because you are in the other (which is getting difficult because you are so heavy!).

New foods for you this month include strawberries, white beans, corn and quinoa noodles. Although, the past two weeks you have showed us that you have an opinion on what you eat and you have mostly refused solid foods and no longer want to sit in your highchair! You cut another tooth last week for a grand total of 8 teeth!

Your CF checkup was good but we have been battling your pancreatic insufficiency. We made our first visit to the GI specialist at ACH this month and am hoping to have things working better soon.

You love it when Daddy plays racecar with you and when he tosses you in the air. We love watching you play, make noises, and concentrate.  You are determined and know what you want... and you are not afraid to let us know!  You are absolutely, with out a doubt, our favorite part of this blessed life we live.

Over the next four weeks, I will be soaking up every second of the end of your first year.


Momma and Daddy

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Home Run Derby

Lance plays in a men's over 30 softball league and this weekend, his team, Team Bass, hosted their annual tournament - TEAM BASS INVITATIONAL VIII

On Friday night after the first round of games, Team Bass organized the inaugural Home Run Derby and ALL proceeds went to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

It was a fun, but hot and muggy evening. And it was a huge success!!!

Aunt T and I signed up the hitters during the tournament games:

It was 9:15 by the time we started the Derby. It also sprinkled/rained throughout the evening. 

Lance and Trey played announcers for the Derby. You may recognize Trey Reid from Talkin Outdoors. Huge thank you to Trey, he's one of the main reasons this fundraiser happened and was so successful. 

Personal fav line of the night: "If you're over 40 and miss Bobbisox, you can head on up to the KBI tent to get down."

Daddy is up to bat:

Oh, hey there, Mr. Aclin!

This guy was so nice and caught for the entire Derby! Thanks Kenny Chesney (don't know his real name!)

We had 3 flights of hitters (based on skill). Team Bass participants swept flight 3. Here they are posing by The Crosby Show banner!!!

Trophies for the winners!

Crosby didn't go to the Derby but he did make an appearance the next day at the tournament:

I want to thank all the hitters that signed up for the Derby, Team Bass for supporting The Crosby Show and special thanks to Trey Reid, Preston Bass and Geoffrey Yamouchi for helping the fundraiser be such a success! We raise $1,180.00 for Cystic Fibrosis. I can't thank everyone enough. See ya'll next year.

And this guy REALLY appreciates your support:

If you haven't bought your tickets to Taste of the Finest on August 22nd, please do so by clicking here:


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