Thursday, May 21, 2015

Success (+ 100th post)


The Crosby Show team this year at the Great Strides Walk benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was INCREDIBLE. We had 54 total team members show up for the walk to support Crosby! That number simply blows me away.

The Crosby Show also raised a total of $8,555.00!!! That is $1000 more than our goal and $1300 more than we raised last year. The entire Little Rock event raised more that $133,000. It was the largest attended and most raised in Great Strides Little Rock history!

I cannot tell you what it means to our little family to have so many come out and support us. CF can be a very isolating disease. We have to avoid unnecessary exposure to germs and that coupled with our treatment schedule can leave us out of group events  and gatherings with family and friends. Seeing everyone out there in their tie dye truly made both Lance and I feel so uplifted and supported. I know that in the coming years, having everyone's support will truly mean a lot to Crosby too in his personal fight against this disease. So please keep coming back!

Fundraising has not come easy for me, mostly because I hate asking people for money. But every time I write a blog post, send a text or email, or ask someone in person for a donation, I have to remember that it's up to me to fight for the cure that we want so badly. It's all for Crosby. I can pray and hope for a cure for this awful disease he has, but if I am not willing to work hard towards finding a cure, who else will? I cannot just sit around hoping that someone else will raise the money to help my son. I have to be on the front lines fighting for him. So thank you for standing beside me and thank you for putting up with incessant begging!

A special shout out to those of you who did your own fundraising too! Thank you for soliciting donations for our team and thank you for sending emails and texts to your own co-workers, friends and family! Every dollar made a difference and I cannot thank you enough for your help. 

I have grand plans for Crosby to live well past the 35 year life expectancy that has been stamped on him, and you better believe that I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen. Thank you ALL for helping us to add tomorrows for not only Crosby but for the 30,000 Americans suffering from this disease. 

I want everyone who came to the walk and everyone who donated to our team to know how much I genuinely appreciate everything. I am so grateful for all of those who love and support Crosby (and Lance and I, too). 

The CF foundation is getting closer and closer in their research efforts to finding a cure. When the cure for my son is finally discovered, it will be because of you. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

We have some more exciting fundraising events coming up... stayed tuned!

{This is my 100th post for the Crosby Show!}


Crosby and Nanny
Lance, Sherrie, Aunt Tara, Carmen and Crosby
Crosby and Vada
Marlee and Aunt Sissy
Natalie, JP, Misty and Vada
Terry, Leah and Jessica
Robert, Kelly, Kathleen, and Sammy (from the Lochridge Clan!)
Sue, Terry, Gale and Liam
Gray, Crosby and Lakelyn
Justin, Hudson, Emma, Rachael, Gray, Heidi, and Jacob
The Aclins: Max, Jeff, Carey, Harper and Lakelyn
The Parkers: Amy, Scottie, Briggs and Avery
The Bursks: Eric, Jessica, and Avery
Carmen and Misty
Kyle, Mary Taylor, Sherrie, Daddy and Nanny
Jacey, Tara, Melanie, and Ashley
My mom and I

Awards Presenation
Amanda for the Foundation

Showing off his dance skills to the crowd before the awards ceremony!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Peace Out CF

The Crosby Show is saying "PEACE OUT CF" at the Great Strides walk this Saturday (May 16th) benefiting the Arkansas Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!

The Crosby Show Team theme for Great Strides is "Peace Out CF" because we are walking for cure to say "goodbye" to cystic fibrosis.

Crosby, Lance and I are so excited that many of our friends and family will be joining us this Saturday at the Zoo! Crosby can't wait to see all his fans.

If you haven't signed up or donated yet, please follow the link below and join us! 

Saturday, May 16th at 8:00AM
The Little Rock ZOO
Great Strides - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


  • Please get there early! Registration is from 7-8 am and the walk starts at 8. They will be doing registration by LAST NAME this year instead of by team. YEAH! Hopefully this helps speed up registration and lessen confusion.
  • Location – we will NOT be inside the Zoo for registration/pre-celebrations this year. We will be located in the East parking lot (if you are looking at the Zoo entrance it is to your left). Just look for the balloon arch!
  • Anyone that arrives after 8 will need to pay the regular Zoo admission fee ($12/adult, $9/child).
  • Parking is available across the street from the Main Entrance. Additional parking is available in the East Parking Lot (on the corner of Monroe Street / Zoo Drive)
  • Wear your hippie gear including tie dye t-shirts or bright colored shirt! After you check-in, look for Lance and pick-up your tie dye bandana or peace sign glasses so that everyone knows you are with THE CROSBY SHOW! 
  • ALL WALKERS MUST CHECK IN. Even if you have pre-registered online, we still need to verify your attendance at the Registration Center. 
  • If someone did not pre-register for the walk, they are still able to register onsite at the Registration Center. This includes those of you who didn't sign your kids up on the website but are planning on bringing them. You can also send me an email at and I will email you a registration form to print and fill-out and then you can just bring it with you - time saver!
  • We will be taking a team photo BEFORE the walk begins. 
  • Breakfast will be provided by Chick-Fil-A and Sonic. Soft drinks and water will also be available.
  • The program will begin at 8 am. We will all be entering the Zoo together through the carousel entrance and our walk goes around the perimeter inside the Zoo twice. 
  • Celebration Ceremony – We will be ending the walk at the amphitheater this year. Ceremony will begin at 10am. After you walk feel free to go back to the east parking lot and play games, bid in the silent auction and dance! 

We've had a lot of family and friends register and donate to our team and I am so grateful! The event is going to be a fun, family friendly, short walk that supports such a great cause. I would love for more of our friends and family to support Crosby. So if you haven't already done so, I urge you to sign up! WE WANT TO SEE YOU THERE!

Need more persuasion to come join us on Saturday???  Here ya go:


10.  The walk is at the Little Rock Zoo. If you have kiddos and you come out to the walk (starts at 8:00 am), you get free admission to the zoo!! There will be games and music and other things for the kids. Wake them up early, let them run around and tire themselves out so maybe you can enjoy a peaceful afternoon. Not to mention it wouldn't hurt them to be drug away from their video games for an hour or so. Maybe you can show off a dance move or two. It's also a great way to set an example for the kids about being involved in their community and being a part of something positive and giving to a good cause.

9.   This is that chance you've been waiting on to wear that tie dye shirt you've had since the 90s!

8. Great progress has already been made. In the 1950s, few children with cystic fibrosis lived to attend elementary school. Today, many people with the disease can now expect to live into their 30′s and beyond. But 30+ years isn’t very old. I want Crosby to be able to grow old. Don't you want that for your own children? By helping the CF Foundation you will be helping to add tomorrows for Crosby.

7. Over 30,000 Americans (and over 70,000 people worldwide) live with this disease; it affects the lungs and the digestive system, which can make daily life difficult. CF is an inherited genetic disease, but over 10 million Americans are symptomless carriers. Lance and I had NO idea we were carriers; this means someone you love could be a carrier, too.
6. Thanks to research funded by the CF Foundation (which comes from private donations from folks like you! not major pharmaceutical companies or federal grants), medication has stopped progression of the disease in 5% of cystic fibrosis cases! This is great news, but there is currently no treatment for Crosby's mutation of CF — yet. More clinical trials are being done, and other CF patients are hopeful they will soon have the same kind of victory.

5.  Funding goes directly to research. Not to put on big conventions, or swanky executive offices, or even lobbyists in DC. Nope. Straight to the scientists working and researching to find a cure. Thank you Scientists! The CF Foundation is one of the few national non-profit organizations where 90% of funds raised goes directly to the cause. You have to admire their efficiency. Imagine trying to run a national for profit business on 10% overhead.

4. You've already signed up and/or donated so why not reap your reward?! Come enjoy others in the fight to cure CF. You can pat yourself on the back someday when they do find one. You'll be able to tell yourself: I helped find a cure and the world is a better place because I helped and participated.

3. Have I mentioned there will be free Chick-Fil-A breakfast? Warm, buttery, chicken biscuits….for free.

2. An event like this offers encouragement to ALL those affected by cystic fibrosis, both the patients and everyone who loves them! It would mean A LOT to Lance and I to see everyone there.

1. Top reason to donate: HOW can you resist a face like this!?!




Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fighting to Breathe

May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month!

I have written a lot about CF in general on this blog, as well as our own journey with CF. Because May is CF Awareness Month, I thought I would write about something new and something that, if I'm honest, scares me: Adulthood CF. 

CF use to be classified as a childhood disease. "Childhood disease" means exactly what it says: the disease affects children. However, for CF, it didn't mean that adults couldn't get CF. The term meant that the disease only affected children because those children never made it into adulthood. A CF diagnosis use to mean a death sentence for babies and young children.  Luckily, with help from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, medical advancements have improved treatment for CF patients exponentially and there is a growing population of adults living with CF.

I have shared before that I am very reluctant to read others' stories about their own journey with CF. I want to live out our own story, and not in fear of the road someone else has traveled. After Crosby's diagnosis, I quickly realized that I could live in a paralyzed state of fear about what could happen because of what I read and heard, or I could live in the moment and not miss the life and blessings minute by minute that I have been given. I wrote about my struggle with that here.

I have been following one girl's journey as an adult living with CF and have permission to share a bit of her story. Caleigh is 24 years old and has been battling Cystic Fibrosis her entire life. She is beautiful inside and out and so, so brave. Her words are very inspiring and before CF took over her life a couple of years ago and she became too sick to work, she was a chef in San Francisco. 

Caleigh now has end-stage lung disease due to the ravages CF has had on her body. Her lung function has severely declined and she is currently awaiting new lungs and is on the double lung transplant list. She spends her days literally fighting to breathe. Caleigh's love for life, family and her fight to win the CF battle inspire me. You can visit her website at She recently described on Instagram what it is like when you can't breathe. In Caleigh's words:

The feeling of panic is shattering. Panic illustrates that what you thought you had control of you no longer do. However the act of breathing is simple. Most of our society inhales and exhales as second nature, without even thinking twice; taking 28,800 breaths per day. It's muscle memory and more so it's survival instinct. Still, battling end-stage lung disease can cause even our survival instincts to turn off at our weakest and most vulnerable moments; like while sleeping. Sleep by definition is to be dormant, careless, and inactive. Like a hermit crab curled up inside of its own shell for shelter and rest. It puts us in a defenseless state. As we close our eyes, the muscles in our back slowly release the tension we carry throughout the day, our stresses disappear into the walls which surround us and our bodies turn to cuddle into comfortable positions embraced by fluffy pillows and warm sheets. Yesterday as I laid in bed just about to fall asleep; my body completely weightless. I laid on my side. One foot on top of the other, one leg on top of the next, and my right lung directly over my left. But just as my body transitioned into total relaxation it's as if so did my respiratory system. As if my internal switch was turned off. The oxygen pulled out of me. My ribs and lungs transformed into shallow, slow breaths I was unable to regain for minutes. My first impulse was to reassure myself I was awake and alive then slowly get up to retrieve my emergency inhaler but as time continued the physical feeling of my lungs unable to expand grew frightening. I became embodied with emotions that I must at all costs remain calm, in control and always breathing. My heart-rate quickened, my ears began buzzing and my headache increased, all telling signs of lack of oxygen to the brain. I could feel my anxiety. My thoughts, like a detective, racing... what did I do wrong?, what had I done previously to put myself at risk?, and why are my breaths slow instead of quick if I can't gain O2?... why isn't my body responding? At last, my only hope to sit and repeat to myself "I am alive", "I am ok", "I can breathe". Now "breathe", "in, out, in out".... fight2breathe

Caleigh is committed to fighting for her life. Every dollar donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation helps all CFers in their fight against this disease. The Foundation has resources for adults like Caleigh and supports kiddos like Crosby. 

Join us on May 16th for the CF Foundation's Great Strides Walk in Little Rock. You can donate or register by clicking here. We all probably take our ability to breathe for granted. Donate to support those who are fighting just to breathe. 


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