***UPDATE: Several people have asked about registering as a family for the walk or registering their kids. Please note that everyone participating in the walk MUST be registered. If you have already registered and you plan on bringing a spouse or child that is not registered, let me know and I'll get you taken care of. If you have not yet registered and would like to register as a family without having to do so on an individual basis, please note that you can do so on the webpage after you have entered in your initial contact information. The following page has an option to "Register a Family Member." You can use this option to register your spouse or kids under the same user name/email address/ect.
Will you walk for him?
Will you walk for this dude?
Join us. Please.
It's only two miles!
And it's a walk, not a run!
On May 17th.
Walk for him.
For Crosby.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Great Strides Campaign is an event to raise funds for CF. The walk is Saturday, May 17, 2014 in Little Rock.
You can either join The Crosby Show for the walk or simply make a donation to anyone already signed up to the team. To sign up, just follow the link below to visit my Great Strides home page and click on "Join My Team!" Then, follow the step-by-step instructions to register for the walk.
Lance and I will be there. Crosby himself has even agreed to making an appearance. It would mean the world to us if you guys would sign up. Only a hand full of our friends and family have registered after this post. But we want ALL of you there. Lance and I are both competitive and we want to show up on May 17th will the largest, loudest, coolest Great Strides team! I want the local CF community to say, "who are theses Crosby Show people? There are so many of them!" Please sign up. And encourage all your friends and coworkers to sign up too.
Great Strides is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest national fundraising event. By joining The Crosby Show team, you will help fuel lifesaving research and medical programs that make a difference for people living with this disease, people like Crosby.
Joining Great Strides is a simple and effective way for you to show your support for Crosby and his battle against CF. We would love for you to make a donation, but you don't have to in order to sign up for the walk. Registration is free!
Join us.
Help add tomorrows for Crosby.
Walk for him.