Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crosby @ 5 Months

Dear Crozzie Bear:

You are 5 Months Old Today!

A few things we love about you...

You are so happy in the mornings. Even at 5am.

Your smiles and giggles melt my heart.

You are so inquisitive and want to hold everything in your hands. And then you want to put whatever it is in your mouth!

Now when I hold you, you hold me right back. Sweetest. Thing. Ever.

You are a cuddle bug and just want to be held all day. You are content and fit perfectly in my arms. We are so thankful to have you with us and we praise God for you.

A whole bag of breast milk for me?! Happy Valentines Day, Crozzie. He grabbed the whole bag from Lance while he was making bottles! 


Momma and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little man is precious! How fast they grow, huh?


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