Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Don't Take it for Granted

Crosby sees his CF Pulmonary Team every month at ACH. Among other things, we get cough cultures and lung checks to see how things are going. Lance and I hold our breath each time before we get the results and breathe a sigh of relief when we get the call saying, no change. We are steadfast in his treatments and do everything we can to keep him as healthy as possible. His daily treatments and medications are just part of our normal. As we get caught up in regular life as new parents with introducing baby food, sleep deprivation, teething, playing and sweet snuggles, sometimes, it's easy to forget that he even has CF.

But, the reality is that he has a life-threatening, life-shortening, incurable, debilitating disease. I never want to take his health for granted. Lance and I do a victory dance EVERY month when we get a healthy report. And then we hold our breath again until our next visit...

That got me to thinking. I am able post positive updates on this blog. When people ask how is Crosby doing?, I praise God that I can answer he's good. I share photos of a chubby, healthy looking {adorable!} baby boy who is growing and happy. While I hope everyone rejoices in our victories thus far, I never want anyone, including Lance or I, to take it for granted that he does have a very horrible disease. I don't want someone to see Crosby and think, well, CF must not be that bad. Because it is that bad. He's healthy now, but we don't know what the future holds. And, there are many children with CF who struggle greatly.

I'm posting this video below. While it may be hard to watch, I think it's important to see another story of a family with a CF baby. 

Want to make a difference in the lives of those with Cystic Fibrosis?

Donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

I want a CURE for Cystic Fibrosis. I want a cure for Crosby, baby Lily in the video and the thousands that suffer from this disease, struggling daily just to breath. The CFFoundation continues to make advances, but your help is needed NOW to help keep up the momentum of this life-saving research. 

In the last twenty years, there has been remarkable progress, but it's not good enough. We continue to lose precious lives to CF every day.

Help me add tomorrows, Donate today. (CLICK HEREand click “Donate” by my name at the bottom of the page or join our team. 

Thank you so much for supporting our efforts to make CF stand for Cure Found.

Here's another video. This one is all about Great Strides. I really hope to see you there on May 17th!!!


Carmen and Lance

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