Dear Crozzie Bear,
Today, you are 15 months old. While I am not doing the monthly updates that I was doing your first year, you are still changing and growing so fast, that I wanted to write one for your 15th month.
You started walking a week after you first birthday and I swear, from that moment on you shed your babyness and suddenly became a little boy!
You are still such a good eater and we work so hard on your nutrition to keep you as healthy as possible. Your current favorite foods are peas and beans, grapes, sunbutter or almondbutter on toast (Ezekial bread) and smoothies! Any time you hear the blender or see me with a smoothie, you want to be lifted up to watch it swirl and you have to have your own! I bought little cups with straws for you and you're so proud to walk around slurping down your smoothie.
You are not the greatest sleeper. Lately, you want to get up (and get Momma and Daddy up) at 4:30 a.m. That's really taking "the early bird gets the worm" to an extreme, Buddy. Let's work on 5:30, k? We are trying to transition to one nap a day because you are so resistant to the second nap. However, because of your insistence on being an early riser, you probably need that second nap! Your tantrums from being over-tired can wear us all (including you) out. I'm hoping we work out the kinks soon!
Here are some of my favorite things that you do:
- You love Elmo. Anytime you see him (whether it's on your toothpaste tube, the iPad or in your books) you yell "MELMO" over and over, as loud as possible. So enthusiastic!
- You shake your head "no" and say "no" in a nonchalant voice when we ask you a question or you don't want something we're offering or you don't want to do something. It's cute because it isn't defiant, just very matter-of-fact.
- When I ask you, "where is Momma's baby?" You pat your tummy and shout "bebe!" You also do the same thing when you see a picture of yourself or another baby. You did it in the grocery store the other day when we were in the diaper aisle and you saw the pictures of the babies on the boxes.
- Nanny keeps a picture of you, me and Daddy on her entryway table. Everyday that you are at her house, you have to hold the frame and sit down, then while looking at it, you say "Mom-maaaaa" "Mom-maaaa" "Mom-maaaa" and hug it to you. Sometimes you'll also add a "bebe" or "Da-ye" (which is "daddy"). Totally melts my heart! I miss you during the day too, Crozzie Bear.
- You are still addicted to pacis and usually have one in your mouth. If you see another one lying around, you have to have it and hold it too. You and Daddy have a silly game where he takes your paci and holds it backwards in his mouth. You think it's so funny when he makes the click noise and you get to grab it from him.
- You are obsessed with the heater/fan in the bathroom. When we turn it on, you want to be lifted up to get a closer look. Then you point and say "fa fa fa FWIN,FWIN FWIN!" You really think it's one of the greatest things ever.
- You help your Daddy make coffee every morning. You love to count out the scoops of coffee, 3 scoops per pod, and you say "fwee" "fwee" for three!
- You take your bopper (little clapper device we use to do your chest percussion) and you bop yourself. You say "bop" "bop" "bop" and imitate the exact pounding of your chest that we do for your CPT.
- You are mesmerized by the lights on the Christmas tree at our house and at Nanny's. Whenever you walk in the room or we turn the lights on, you sayy, "oooooh, pitty" and your "oooooh" goes up in excitement.
- You love cell phones and remotes but can't be trusted with either.
- You are obsessed with our sonicare toothbrushes but don't like it when we brush your teeth.
And, my absolute favorite thing that you do is when I ask you to "give me suggies" (sugar), you lean in for a kiss! You are so affectionate and love hugs and to be held. These are the things of motherhood I dreamed about. You are my dream come true.
I want to remember just how you are right now with you big boy independence, the padding of your little feet as you run down the hall and your little bubble belly.
I love you.
Momma and Daddy
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