Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Crosby @ 18 Months

Dear Crozzie Bear,

You are a year and half old today! 

You love books and you love for us to read to you. You know which books are which, and are constantly coming up to us with your favorite book of the moment, demanding us to "rea" "rea" "rea". Your current favorites are "moo moo" (Goodnight, Moon), "code" (Goodnight, Goon), "boo" (Little Blue Truck), and "bet" (The Going to Bed Book). You can sit a listen to us read books over and over for 20 minutes at I time. I think that's a great attention span for a little guy. I hope you always love to read.

You have 16 teeth!

You walk, climb, jump, run and dance. All. The. Time. 

You love to snuggle and I can't get enough of your hugs.

You know all your colors. You love to shout out what color of shirt we are wearing, the color of toys and anything you see that the color registers in your little brain. You know red, yellow, green, orange, purple, black, and (your favorite) blue!

You know all your animals and all the sounds that they make. You love it when your real live dogs bark!

You talk. A lot. I can't image where you get that from! After all, neither your Daddy nor I talk much. {heavy sarcasm font}. Here are some of the things you say:

"Ah Ummm" {means} I want

"My mommy" {has replaced} Momma

"Bet" {means} Bed

"Sigh" {means} Outside

"Ju" {means} Juice

"Boppo" {means} Pillow

"Key Coo" {means} Cookie Monster

"Goo" {means} Lucy

"Weewee" {means} Zoe

"Fwowa" {means} Flower

You love playing "chase" and squeal with delight during the game. You're obsessed with toothbrushes, keys and my mascara tube. You love to hold my head and kiss my face. You have the cutest grin ever. 

Crosby, you fill our world with light.


Momma and Daddy

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