Thursday, November 12, 2015


Dear Family, Friends and Fans of the Crosby Show,

Cold and Flu Season has begun!

I wrote a similar post last year, but I think this is an important message many families with CF kids and others with complex medical needs understand all too well. I know it is hard for friends and family to understand why we are so adamant about trying to keep Crosby healthy. This picture maybe hard to look at, but it is a reality and a great explanation of why we do what we do. (Disclaimer: This is not a picture of Crosby)

This is the time of year that Lance and I shut things down and do not take Crosby out much for fear of catching that cough or cold that others deem "harmless". Please, if you are feeling under the weather - stay home - you're less productive and more likely to extend the length of your illness when you don't take the time to care for yourself first. And if you find that you have to venture out, wash your hands of germs frequently and cover your coughs and sneezes. Your perceived time lost could be real time lost in the life of a child and their family.

There is NO such thing as "JUST A COLD" for CF patients. Please understand that we do not take Crosby many places this time of year and we do not allow sick people or any children in daycare or school to be around Crosby. Simple cold viruses can lead to hard-to-get-rid-of infections, and infections in small CF lungs could have life-long damage. 

I realize that colds are not a big deal for most people. Colds use to not be a big deal to me. I have someone super special to protect and I will do ANYTHING to help him stay healthy and stave off lung damage for Crosby.

Because so many of us have the attitude that "a little cold" shouldn't keep us from going to work or sending kids to school, it is very easy for all kinds of germs to spread. I am beginning to realize just how selfish those actions can be for those who have compromised immune systems or diseases like CF. For those people, a "little cold" could have life-altering consequences. I am also aware that unfortunately, way too many people have bosses or teachers who are not understanding or lenient when it comes to calling in sick. If you find yourself forced to go into work or school while sick, while maybe awkward, wearing a mask is a great way to keep from passing the germs on. As for other things like church, parties, get-together, even going to the grocery store... I do not believe there is any other obligation that is worth spreading germs to kids like Crosby or their care-givers. Please be considerate.

So please, please PLEASE be conscientious as we go into cold and flu season. Lance and I love all our friends and we love all our family, but as the Holidays are fast approaching, if you have any symptoms of a cold or the flu and we are going to be in the same place, please let us know. We don't expect everyone to alter plans because of us, but we do expect you to let us know that kind of information so that WE can make an informed decision on where we go and where we take Crosby. It is OUR decision, please let us make it by telling us if someone who is sick will be in attendance. We would certainly never shame or embarrass anyone for a cold, we will simply just choose to stay home. 

If you are sick, please do not come to our home. 

If you are sick and are going to be at a get-together where we will be, please let us or the host know. 

If you come to our home, please immediately wash your hands and use hand-sanitizer. 

Do not bring kids who are in daycare or school around Crosby during cold/flu season. 

Do not kiss Crosby or get in his face, whether or not you have any symptoms. 

And please, GET YOUR FLU SHOT. 

We ask that everyone who knows and loves us to PLEASE be sensitive to the other people around you who might have compromised immune systems or have family members who do. 

Your willingness to help keep medically complex children germ-free might be the only thing standing between them and the hospital this winter.



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