Sunday, June 1, 2014

Baby's First 5K

It's not a big secret that Lance and I like to run. Well, I like to run and I like to drag Lance along with me :) Lance likes the results he gets out of running, i.e. the ability to eat and drink whatever he wants because he burns the calories.

Running for me is therapeutic. It's my anti-depressant. It's my time to clear my mind. It's time with Lance, time to talk to each other and focus with no distractions. We literally planned our entire wedding during runs. 

Fitting in runs these days is more difficult. We can't just take off when the fancy hits, unless we each run alone, which for Lance, that would never happen. Our BOB Stroller has come to our rescue. Crosby digs the BOB and totally enjoys riding along. We can run as a family now. I don't have to spend time away from Crosby and Lance and I can get our runs in together.

We haven't ran a race since the 2013 Little Rock Marathon. I think that's the longest I've gone in 10 years without doing some sort of 5K, ect. When I discovered that the Riverfest Rock-n-Stroll allowed strollers, I knew we had to sign up to get back in the game.

Daddy and Crosby hanging out while Momma finds the shoe chip timers.

Pre-race action.

Lots of costumes. These dudes didn't appreciate it when I hollered, "you ladies look fabulous!" Ha. 

No race anxiety here.

Lining up.

And look who provided all the water! CAW! Yay for clean water. You're welcome central Arkansas.

Nary a drop of sweat, post-race.

Momma woke him up to get in the car. He said, "did I win?"

Crosby did great. He loved checking out all the people. He fell asleep with one mile to go!

It was really HOT but we had a pretty good time. 26:38 on my app. 

Baby's First 5K.

The first of many!

Race action. This was probably close to the 2.5 mile.



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