Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crosby @ 9 Months

Dear Crozzie Bear:

Happy 9 months, baby.

{This was not the most cooperative morning for pictures!}

You are definitely not my tiny little baby anymore. We are beginning to see more and more of your little personality and I think its pretty great. You are opinionated and loud but that just reminds me of your Pappy. You are also so sweet and snuggley. You still love to be held and rocked. And I love your hugs and kisses.

You aren't crawling yet but for a non-mobile baby, you really get around and seem to be into everything. Your fine motor skills amaze me everyday. You want to touch, hold, and feel (and taste!) everything. You love to pick stuff up and then throw it down, again and again. When you are looking at something new for the first time, you study it so inquisitively, I can literally see you trying to figure whatever it is out and how it works. 

You are still eating good. New foods this month include roast chicken, yogurt, peaches and summer squash. Banana is still your all time favorite with avocado right behind it.

You had your first case of the sickies this month and I don't know who was more upset about it, you or us. I learned that almost nothing is more pitiful than a sick baby. After about a week, you were back to your old self and I am very relieved.

You are so friendly and engaging with people. But you do get separation anxiety and Momma needs to be in your sights or you get really upset. The other night I was washing your bottles out at the kitchen sink and you were playing on the rug under my feet. You wanted me to hold you and were clinging to my legs, hollering at me. If I walk past where you are playing, you cry if I don't stop and pick you up. I love how you need me. Just so you know, I need you too.

You "talk" all the time and we love your little baby voice. You started saying "Momma" on Mother's Day but now have "Dada" down too.

Every month with you has been a gift, and every stage has been both challenging and wonderful. But this age, so far, is my very favorite. We are enjoying every minute of our life with you!


Momma and Daddy

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