Saturday, January 31, 2015

You are my Sunshine

My only sunshine.

My mom and dad both sang that song to me growing up. Now I sing it to Crosby.

And, the other day I heard it on a Whirlpool commercial. Have you seen this commercial? I cry every time I watch it, near the end, when the narrator delivers this universal truth:

Because every act of care we give, helps the people we love, become people who love.

I think of all the small acts of care I perform everyday every, from fixing meals, fixing sippy cups, wiping a little hiney, rocking to sleep, to the bigger acts of care like administering enzymes and daily respiratory therapy. We go to bed, then wake up and do it all over again. Some acts of care are more insignificant than others. But it's all care. And it's all for love.

Those moments I spend caring for my little dude are way more important than all the other stuff. Because for every mom there comes a time, when babies grow up & grow out of our arms. I know it's coming. I know someday, the hours I logged holding Crosby and caring for him, will feel like it wasn't enough.

Crosby really is my sunshine. 

So i'll pour my cup out for him today, and then get up tomorrow and pour it out again, because I know that's what love really is. And someday, he'll know it too.

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