Monday, June 30, 2014

We have a Crawler!

Well, we have an army crawler. Still a big milestone!

This happened last week:

Poor Zoe looked on in absolute horror as he inched closer and closer to the dog dishes. I didn't think to get my camera out until he was already at his destination. Then, as he gleefully tossed kibble into the water bowl, Zoe looked at me as if to say, aren't you going to do something about this! 

I sent Lance one of the pictures because he had already left for work. His reply: Our life is about to drastically change! And then the next day, back crawling towards the bowl. He hadn't forgotten his accomplishment from the day before.

Crosby is getting big and gaining more independence. I am grateful for all the milestones. So thankful that he is growing and thriving. But I sometimes find myself wishing I could keep him my little baby. Time is speeding up, and as I go off to work daily and miss out on things, I think of how cruel that can be. I pray for him everyday, especially as I'm rocking him before naps and during bops, when he nestles his little head into my neck, warm and near-sleeping in my arms and smelling his baby smell. How I love those moments! I pray for Lance and I, too. That God would help me be a good mother and give us the wisdom we so badly need to overcome our short-comings and failures. I want to be the kind of parents he deserves.



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