Saturday, February 14, 2015

Baby Daddy

So, the decision is pretty much split 50/50 on who Crosby looks like. Some people swear it's me and others think that Croz is Lance's mini. 

For me, I see both and I see neither. And it changes all the time.

But the other day, when I was staring at Crosby, trying to figure out if he had my eyes or Lance's mouth, I thought about the significance of us sharing a love, our child. Crosby is the physical evidence of our love for one another. He is part of both of us, all wrapped into one.

Marriage is a lot of things. It's a struggle, a sacrifice, a journey and a joy. I think one of the best parts is sharing the love you have for your child with your life partner. There is an unbelievable bond in creating and raising a child together, a beautiful thread that connects the two of you for life.

Baby Daddy, I'm so glad you're both mine.


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