Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crosby @ 6 Months

{*I want to say thanks to everyone who sent me texts, emails, and comments (IG follows too) about my guest post on Carol's blog yesterday. I really appreciate all the loving support that you guys show us. Your encouragement means so much.}

Dear Crozzie Bear:

You are half a year old!

We don't think that you can get any cuter.

You roll over, sit-up, and stand with support.

Everything, and I mean everything, goes straight into your mouth.

You are very vocal (love your throaty little baby voice) and you still love to be held and snuggled, especially by Momma. 

You are not a good sleeper. We are trying everything but you still wake up every 1.5 to 2 hours. Baby, please learn to sleep better! For you sake and our sake!

You have really packed on the chub the past couple of weeks. We call you "Tubby" and I am so thrilled you are thriving! {This is a HUGE deal for CF babies.}

We love you more by the minute and are hearts are so full.

You love hanging out with your Daddy, checking the Hogs message boards:

Crosby is chewing on a teething toy called Zo-li. So awesome! Thanks to Kandace for the rec.
Bath time!

Chewing on a frozen wash cloth (see what I mean by everything goes in the mouth!)

Blue Eyes!

Two of your favorite things to do: Hanging with Daddy (again!). And loving on Mom.

So now for a little fun and to get a little interaction with the Crosby Show Fans! Who do you think Crosby looks like? His Momma? His Daddy? Both? Please respond in the comments below {If you respond on Facebook, I can't see!}




  1. My friend Misty sent her observations by text:

    "I think 'Tubby' looks more like Lance as a baby, but like the adult you. Does that make sense? Either way, that is one cute, chunky monkey!"

    Thanks Misty, we love you and the entire Fleming gang! xoxo

  2. I think he looks like the both of you...hes adorable!


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