Monday, March 17, 2014

Guest Posting on a Friend's Blog

So a few weeks ago, one of my oldest friends, Carol Spenst (née McCulley) asked if I would write a guest post on her blog found here.

Carol and I grew up together. We went to elementary school together and I was very close to her and her family, as her mother took care of me before and after school. I absolutely loved her family and the time I got to spend with them. Sadly, Carol moved to Kansas when we were in 7th grade. I was so sad to see my best friend go. We kept up with each other a little in high school (thank you AOL) and college. 

Funny story, I once went to cheer on my own UCA Bears at a soccer game at John Brown University, where Carol attended college. I didn't have her number, so I went over to the JB student section and asked if anyone knew Carol McCulley. A guy stood up and said he did and I told him I was an old friend and asked him to take me to her. I surprised her in her dorm room. We took this picture:

Carol ended up back in Central Arkansas after she and her husband, John, opened up a Chik-fil-A in Little Rock. So glad that she lives here again and that I still get to call her my friend.

Carol is an amazing writer and you will love her ADORABLE family. Carol is insightful, uplifting and encouraging. She is one of the sweetest gals I know. And I can attest to you that her sweetest is 100% real.

I won't self-deprecate out of fear of appearing disingenuous, but I was surprised she would want me to write something for her space but at the same time, I was truly honored. 

Sometimes I am a little scared to hit publish after drafting my own blog posts for fear of how what I have written will be perceived. I always try to be super honest, and let's face it, there is vulnerability in transparency. It's even scarier to do so when someone else will be hitting the post  button. Carol asked me to write about something I have mentioned on here before but never in detail - my faith. I was tested after Crosby was diagnosed with CF and it isn't a pretty story. But it's real. If you're interested, follow the link here.



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