Wednesday, August 20, 2014

One Last Please

We are in the final days to donate towards Taste of the Finest benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation!!!

I know I've asked for a lot of donations towards CF over the past 9 months. I TRULY appreciate all of the support from The Crosby Show fans, friends and family. So many of you have been so incredibly generous it has warmed by heart and I am so very grateful. This will be my final plea for this year and is your final chance to help!

If you are a reader here and have not had a chance to donate, please PLEASE PLEASE consider making a contribution today or tomorrow. There is no such thing as too small of an amount, because every dollar adds up. 

If you are related to Lance or I, please remember that CF is a genetic disease and it is possible that you too carry a CFTR mutation and could pass it on. Donations to the CF Foundation will not only help Crosby, but will support future generations that might inherit this disease.

When I think about why I have worked so hard to raise money and awareness for CF, one main reason comes to mind: Crosby. I can pray and hope for a cure for this awful disease he has, but if I am not willing to work hard towards finding a cure, who else will? I cannot just sit around hoping that someone else will raise the money to help my son. I have to be on the front lines fighting for him, so here I am, asking (ahem, begging) for your support. 

Fundraising has not come easy for me, mostly because I hate asking people for money. But every time I write a blog post, send a text or email, or ask someone in person for a donation, I have to remember that it's up to me to fight for the cure that we want so badly.

I have grand plans for Crosby to live well past the 35 year life expectancy that has been stamped on him, and you better believe that I'm going to do everything in my power to make that happen. Will you help me? Will you help Crosby? Please consider making a donation to help us reach a cure. Help us add tomorrows for not only Crosby but for the 30,000 Americans suffering from this disease. Already, there have been leaps and bounds made in the life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients, but it would be even better if Crosby's life expectancy was no different than your children's.

Don't worry about your donation being too small! There is no such thing! Every little bit of money makes a huge difference, because it all adds up. If you would like to make a contribution, just click on the link below, and on the webpage, under "YOUR DONATION" enter the amount you would like to contribute and continue filling out the form. 

Thank you all for your continued love and support. Lance and I appreciate it more than you could possibly know. And so does Crosby.


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